Why do we downgrade God?

Something that has been touching me on a deep level is the fact that so many of us seem to have a tendency to think that God is just not big enough to work in our lives. Even if we do not explicitly say it, our action show what we really believe. We don't share our lives with...

08.07.15 08:45 PM - Comment(s)

I was asked a question recently that I always thought I had the answer to... Until I actually thought about it and realized I wasn't sure.The question basically was: 

If the Bible teaches we are forgiven (which it does if you accept the sacrifice of Jesus), why does it still say that everyone will be...
07.07.15 01:45 PM - Comment(s)

We either forget, don’t know or don’t fully comprehend the fact that we were made by The Creator of the universe. I know that we can even grasp the idea of how significant this actually is to our lives, but seeing that this has been on my mind for some time I would like to share what I have been pon...

06.07.15 08:59 PM - Comment(s)

The world we live in, is the direct result of previous actions and decisions made by those before us. It started in the garden of Eden and we are still living with the consequences today. We are living the consequences from Adam and Eve, and all those that followed after them, including our own. For...

06.07.15 07:39 PM - Comment(s)

The origin of this article was frustration and anger, but soon my emotions where turned to sadness and sympathy. 

It all started with what I felt was terrible customer service. It felt like everywhere I went and any business came into contact with, either didn't know what they were doing or they simp...

06.07.15 01:04 PM - Comment(s)