Living With The Consequences

06.07.15 07:39 PM Comment(s)

The world we live in, is the direct result of previous actions and decisions made by those before us. It started in the garden of Eden and we are still living with the consequences today. We are living the consequences from Adam and Eve, and all those that followed after them, including our own. For those of you who didn't know, this is why the world is so messed up. God created a perfect world and gave us free will to choose how we would like to live our lives. On the one side follow the instructions and warning of God, or do things our own way thinking we can escape the consequences of our actions. Unfortunately, we are the ones who keeping making bad choices, even though we fully know what is right or wrong we still think we know best.

The main reason for this post is to remind us all that we know the outcomes of our actions before hand. God warned Adam and Even in the beginning that not following His instructions leads to death, and He is still warning us now. Do bad things and bad things will happen to you. God is good and knows what is best for us.

God has judged His people in the past and He will do it again. But the day He does it again, it will be final. We need to think before we act and realize that our actions can help those around us. What we do impacts the world around us and not just our own selves.

God gave us a way out to escape death and it is important that we take it. Once we do we also need to realize that we need to help those who don't know.

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