All Is Given

06.07.15 08:59 PM Comment(s)

We either forget, don’t know or don’t fully comprehend the fact that we were made by The Creator of the universe. I know that we can even grasp the idea of how significant this actually is to our lives, but seeing that this has been on my mind for some time I would like to share what I have been pondering and reading in the Bible.

The Bible tells us that we are wonderfully made by all mighty God, and this is what gives us our true value. Just like an art piece increases in value depending on who made it, so do we receive value because of our Creator. The moment we realize this, is the moment we realize that we should value each other as well as ourselves. This realization will cause us to want more for our lives and the results will be world changing.

The point I would like to focus on for this article seeing that there are so many things I could focus on is: 

Seeing that we are all created by God, and would have nothing if it were not for the grace of God: We don’t have anything to boast about... 

For who makes you different from anyone else? What do you have that you did not receive? And if you did receive it, why do you boast as though you did not? 

– 1 Corinthians 4:7 KJV

I believe that the moment we realize we have nothing to be proud of and nothing to boast about is the moment we realize that the only thing we can rely on is God.

God created us the way we are. We however have the option to either use or abuse what was given to us. No one is ever correct to judge another person for something that was given or not given to them because we never know the why or why not behind what was given. As Paul explains in Romans 9:20 – Who are we to question our maker?

Our sole responsibility is to focus on building our relationship with the one and only God, and to be His Love to those around us. This will then lead to  living godly lives and sharing His love with the world. 
This, I believe is our purpose...
