Daily Purpose

26.10.15 12:23 PM Comment(s)

Why are you awake today?

As rhetorical or mystical as this might sound, I believe it's a question we need to ask ourselves from time to time. The reason I say this is because I've noticed that some days I wake up with a purpose, while other days it just feels like I'm going through the motions. 

So now I ask the following:

Do we wake up each morning with a purpose? 

Or do we wake up each morning just so that we can go back to bed?

Unfortunately, I think too many of us just want to get through our days with as little effort as possible, just so that we can go back to relaxing. 

But do we ever think about why we do what we do? 

Are we doing what God created us to do?

This is in no way a "Here is your purpose in life" article. It's simply an attempt to remind us all, myself included, that we should continuously ask God what He would like us to do... and then actually do it. Some might have more to do than others, but that's ok. You were made to do what you were meant to do. God determined before time what He wanted for your life and then created you accordingly. Even if you feel stuck in place that don't understand, God knew this is where you would be long before you even got there. The question is: 

What does He want you to do there? 

Listen to God alone and don't follow your own ideas. Imagine one leg trying to do the job of the other... Even though they might look the same, if we don't do what we are meant to do, we'll just be in the way and never get anywhere.

My prayer for all of us is that we be sensitive to what God would like to do through us each day. Get quiet, relax and listen to what He places on your heart. Even if it might seem small to us, God has knows the bigger picture and thus knows our purpose for each day.

May we all stop living so that we can go back to bed 

and start trusting God with our everyday lives.